New Releases

Puzzle Maker Pro – All Sudokus Bundle – Update

This week all the sudoku products will be migrated into the All Sudokus Bundle.

At $347 per year this is a great and affordable way to access to a truckload of sudoku variants.

Here’s an overview of the sudoku products and availability after 10 August:

Sudoku 9×9 Creative9×9 (7 levels)Perpetual License
Included in Bundle
Sudoku Kids Edition4×4 (3 levels)
6×6 (4 levels)
Bundle Only
Sudoku 9×9 VariationsSudoku X, Hyper SudokuBundle Only
Sudoku Multidokus 1Twins, Samurai, Marathon, Triathlon (2x)Bundle Only
Sudoku Large Squares 112×12, 16×16Bundle Only
Sudoku More Squares8×8, 10×10, 15×15Bundle Only
Sudoku Large Squares 214×14, 18×18, 20×20, 24×24, 25×25Bundle Only
Sudoku Multidokus 2Sensei, Cross, Gattai, Flower, WindmillBundle Only
Small Squares VariationsUnique
Twins, Triathlon (2x) and Sensei for
4×4, 6×6 and 8×8
Bundle Only
Checkerboard SudokuUnique
Checkerboard for 6×6, 8×8, 10×10, 12×12,
14×14 and 16×16
Bundle Only
Nonconsecutive Sudoku 9×99×9Bundle Only
Nonconsecutive Sudoku Other SquaresUnique
6×6, 8×8, 10×10, 12×12, 14×14, 15×15 and 16×16
Bundle Only
More Clues 9×9 RegularOdd/Even, Consecutive (unique), Difference, Compare, Threshold (unique) for 9×9Bundle Only
More Clues MultidokusOdd/Even, Consecutive (unique), Difference, Compare, Threshold (unique) for all multidokus and 9×9 variations
(Adds over 140 variations to our sudokus)
Bundle Only
More Clues Other Grid SizesOdd/Even, Consecutive (unique), Difference, Compare, Threshold (unique) for all grid sizes (except 9×9). (Adds 180 additional variations)Bundle Only
Sudoku Multidokus 3DoubleDoku, TripleDoku, Butterfly, Wing, Triples, Quatro, Waterwheel uniqueBundle Only
Time Saver for SudokuTime Saver for all sudoku variationsBundle Only

That’s a total of over 50 sudoku variations. most of them have 7 difficulty levels – that’s 350 different puzzles. Each puzzle can be created with 5 different symbols – images, numbers, letters, Roman numerals, and hexadecimals. That’s 1750 different puzzles. And with the More Clues add-on, each of the 350 sudokus can be created with 5 different clue variations. That’s another 1750 sudokus. A total of 3500 DIFFERENT sudoku puzzles – and even over 500 DIFFERENT sudoku puzzles if you don’t include the difficulty levels. That’s a lot.

Until 10 August you can get the separate modules with a perpetual license – but even better: $347 for the first 14 months (early bird discount). After that it’s $347 for 12 months. That’s less than $1 per sudoku variation per year!

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