Puzzle Maker Pro Update Information

The different Puzzle Maker modules are available in a single download (Puzzle Maker Pro vx.x.x), which you can find in the Active Resources area in the member area.

The Time Saver and other modules are activated automatically.

You can refresh the license information by opening the About window in the software, and clicking “Update”. This will set the correct options for you.

Update overview:


Added: Time Saver for Word Search – Option to skip numbers in puzzle titles

Added: Font Ratio setting for Start/End character in Standard Mazes

Fixed: Geometric Mazes: Outside Passage Open issues

Fixed: Geometric Mazes: Random Start/End point issues


Puzzle Maker Pro – Fixed: Error for Geometric Mazes

Word Search / Time Saver – Changed/Fixed: Word lists allow double words now.

Connect the Dots – Fixed: Preview not keeping position when zoomed in and changing tag position.


Powerpoint export: the exported file now contains 4 master slides: Puzzles Left/Right page, Solutions Left/Right page.


Security / stability update


Fixed: Connect the Dots – Path name could be selected by accident and then deleted when you delete a dot.

Fixed: SVG for Mazes – Error when exporting SVG for a masked maze.

Fixed: Standard Mazes and Shaped Mazes – Solution Path width was not saved in preset.


SVG for Mazes (for Standard / Shaped Mazes): Improvements to the way SVG is generated, resulting in less line segments and improved further editing in e.g. Illustrator.


Connect the Dots: You can now change the tag location for each dot.

To do this, right-click on the dot (in the main window, where the tags are shown). That will select the right path in the Path Settings, and it will select the right dot in the Path Data (the numbers you see there are coordinates for the dot).

​Next, click the Tag Position button, and select where you want to print the tag, you can select each position, from top-left to bottom-right (of the dot), or back to automatic.

​You should be seeing the change in the preview immediately.

Added: a Sensitivity slider on the “Advanced” tab (Connect the Dots / Puzzle Settings). If dots are placed very close together, and it’s hard to select the correct dot, you can use the Sensitivity slider. (This slider actually sets the ‘click distance’ – The lower the setting, the closer to the dot you need to click to select it.)


Puzzle Maker Pro

  • Added: Preset handling: If you name a preset “Default”, it will be loaded automatically when you change to the module. If needed, you can delete the file by going to the preset folder (button on the Tools tab, and delete the Default preset file for the puzzle type)
  • Fixed: The button to open the Preset folders (on the Tools tab) was disabled

Geometric Mazes

  • Fixed: Shape licenses in Geometric Mazes were not processed correctly for Full license
  • Added: You can now choose Manual Start / End points.

Word Search

  • Fixed: Some settings were not properly set when a preset was used.


Puzzle Maker Pro – Geometric Mazes added


Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Word Search:

Added: Option to set custom Solution titles (Time Saver -> Main tab)


Puzzle Maker Pro – JigSaw:

Fixed: Error with “Save Preview”, for one layout type

Fixed: Errors when creating Extended Output for one layout type

Changes: For layout option 2 the puzzles will now be vertically centered on the page.


Quite a few changes, please read before updating:

  • Puzzle Maker Pro – The mechanism to load puzzle settings from your previous session has been removed: This was added before the preset mechanism was added, and is not needed anymore. If you rely on these settings, please save your settings as a default preset, which you can access every time you use Puzzle Maker Pro.
    The related options on the Tools tab have been removed as well.
    (This applies to puzzle settings, the global settings will still be saved)
  • Puzzle Maker Pro – The Tools tab now has a button to open the presets folder, where you can find subfolders for each puzzle type. The option to open a folder for a specific puzzle type has been removed.
  • Puzzle Maker Pro – The “Save Preview” button is now only enabled if there’s a preview to save.
  • JigSaw – Saving the individual puzzle pieces as part of a preview is not possible. The “Save Preview” button will be disabled if this option is set.
  • Sudoku (All versions) – The position of numbers and letters is adjusted, taking into account that numbers and caps don’t need space below the baseline (compare “2”, “G” and “g”). This will look weird if you mix lowercase and uppercase characters, if you really need to mix these, let me know.
  • JigSaw – The reserved space for coordinates has been reduced to half the width of a square. This looks more natural when the puzzles with coordinates are centered on a page.
  • JigSaw – Fixed: Error when saving puzzle preview, which occurred for one of the page layouts
  • JigSaw – Fixed: Error when using the Time Saver with Presets.

v1.8.1.0 / v1.8.1.1

Update: New three products added – JigSaw Triangles, JigSaw Circles, JigSaw Hexagons


Updated: Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for JigSaw

Changed: You can now create blank puzzles by not selecting an image.

Added: Default options for Rows/Columns/Perfect and Connector when adding Image files to the “Fast” Time Saver table

Added: Layout option “Use Image File Name as Puzzle Title”


Updated: Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for JigSaw

Added: A new option to select a list of images to create puzzles, in addition to the preset option.


Updated: Puzzle Maker Pro – JigSaw Squares

When using the “Perfect Squares”, a part of the source image was cut off. In the new version whitespace (margin) is added, to prevent this.


Updated: Puzzle Maker Pro – JigSaw Squares

  • Fixed: Time Saver didn’t show puzzle presets
  • Fixed: Show Preview / Save Preview error
  • Added: For each of the layouts a blank page can be added. For layout 2 (2 pages), there will be 2 blank pages added, one before and one after.
  • Added: “Force Layout”. This will force single page layouts to be printed on a right page, double page layouts will be printed on a full spread. (This will help you to have the proper page layouts if you create book interiors)

Updated: Puzzle Maker Pro

  • Added: An option on the Tools tab to choose whether new PDF’s or Powerpoint files should be opened right away
  • Added: An option on the Tools tab to choose whether you want to see confirmation popup messages for “Create” and “New Preview”

v1.8.0.2 / v1.8.0.3

Fixed: Connect the Dots – sometimes SVG files were printed upside down, due to certain Inkscape settings. This is fixed now.

Fixed: Jigsaw Connectors not printed correctly if decimal point is set to comma (in Windows). This is fixed now.

v1.8.0.0 / v1.8.0.1

Puzzle Maker Pro – Jigsaw Squares added


Grid Maker added


Fixed – General – In some cases clicking “Create” does not result in puzzles being created. For example with Word Search or Word Star, if you don’t provide a list of words. In these cases the external output would still be created, resulting in a Powerpoint error and an empty PDF. This has been fixed.


Word Search – Fixed: When drawing a shaped maze over a dark background image, there would be thin lines between the squares, because of the default antialiasing settings. This has been fixed.


Grid Editor (Shaped Mazes / Shaped Word Search) – Added: you can now choose which color should be treated as background (and be removed)


Shaped Mazes – Fixed – Shaped not printed as background, error when re-editing the shape in these cases

Shape Editor – Fixed – Outer right and bottom lines in the grid could not be edited.

Mazes – Added – Canvas color – The entire canvas will fill with this color. Next the Mask shape is printed on this (if needed). Finally maze the cells are added, using the “Floor” color.


Shaped Mazes – Fixed – Sometimes the shaped maze grid was not returned correctly from the grid editor. As a result, an error would occur. Both have been fixed.


Connect the Dots (beta) – small updates

All – Fixed – License verification robustness


Bingo – Fixed – Font size computed incorrectly


Word Search – Fixed – Maximum number of words in a puzzle didn’t work correctly after recent updates

PDF/JPG output – Changed – Titles are aligned to the vertical center of the assigned space, for compatibility with Powerpoint output.


All – Changed: Faster start up of Puzzle Maker Pro when an existing license is in place

Word Search – Changed: “Don’t Sort” option added to the word list styling


Connect the Dots – New version for beta testers


Bingo – Fixed: Error when changing to this module

v1.5.4 to

Added/updated: Connect the Dots beta version

Sudoku – Changed/fixed: Max number of puzzles for Sudoku is now 5000 and 1000 for each type with the Time Saver extension. (Fixed: Memory errors of this changes for some users)

Word Search – Fixed: the use of uppercase and lowercase letters in the puzzles

All modules – Added: When changing the puzzle type, you can choose to resume a previous session, which will load saved settings instead of default settings

Bingo changes:

  • Added: Slider to change the relative image sizes
  • Fixed: Alternative text for “Free” wasn’t properly used
  • Added: Preview calling card (if rendered)
  • Fixed: font size for Roman numbers

v1.5.3.0 to

Fixes for “Out of Memory” Error and “Generic GDI+” Error for Sudoku Kids Edition Time Saver

Added: Word Star now creates ‘Quantity’ puzzles. If the setting is higher than the number of words, it will create different puzzles from the same word(s).


General: Added: two more options to set up folders for puzzles and solutions

General: Fixed: Creating additional folders with the old naming convention. Warning: Because previews will be created and displayed when you start the program, it will automatically create a folder named “New Project”.

General: Changed: A 0.05″ margin is added between title and puzzles in the Additional outputs, to prevent overlap with ‘y’ and ‘g’ letters.

Bingo: Added: Calling cards are now added to the PDF or PPT file. Select “Solutions layout” on the Page Layout panel to choose the layout for calling cards in your book.


General: New options added for saving your files. In addition to setting the Root folder and Project name, you can choose to add the Puzzle Type and Date to the folder name.

Bingo: Calling cards added. This is phase 1 for calling cards – they are created in the Solutions folder, but not yet added to the PDF or PPT output. (That’s phase 2)


Fixed: Error when creating PDF/PPT with the ‘different folders for puzzle types’ setting

Fixed: Bingo – Error when using text, and the number of words doesn’t match the set “Total Count”.

Added: Bingo – “One Size” / “Best Fit” option for text bingos. One size will use the largest font that will fit all phrases in the squares. Best Fit will use the largest font for each phrase


Puzzle Maker Pro – Fixed: The option to save the window position and size wasn’t saved between sessions

Bingo – Added: “Classic Bingo” content type

Bingo – Added: “Total Count”, sets the total number of numbers or images, of which only a limited set is used on each bingo sheet

Bingo – Added: “Free” square, which can be placed in the center or at a random position

Bingo – Although there’s a tab “Calling Cards”, this option is not yet available, it’s part of a future update.


Puzzle Maker Pro: New options on the Tools tab

You can let Puzzle Maker Pro save the window position and size between sessions

You can let Puzzle Maker Pro add the puzzle type to the Project name

Bingo: “Show Solution” removed for Bingo


Fixed: Word Search – A preview puzzle with only one word was shown, if the chosen limit (exact number) was not reached.


Fixing: Word Search – An error at startup, probably caused by saved default settings.


Fixed: Sudoku 9×9 Creative license wasn’t initilized properly for bundle owners.

Fixed: SVG/Mazes – save previewed SVG along with the JPG/PNG files.

v1.5.0.1 / v1.5.0.2

Fixed: Installation error relating to Bingo

Change: Font Previewer now saves grid settings, and allows you to switch between zoomable and fixed panes for each font. (Fixed is faster, but doesn’t allow you to zoom in the main window)

Change: Word Search – A slider to change the size (diameter) of the rounded rectangles in the puzzle solution. This way you can design ‘circles’ that don’t overlap.


Fixed: The placeholder sign for puzzle numbering (‘#’) was not saved between sessions.

Added: SVG output for mazes. This extension is a separate purchase. The SVG maze is identical to the JPG/PNG maze, but it currently does not support a canvas color or printing of a shape as a background. Please get in touch if you have additional requirements for the SVG output.


Fixed: Placeholder was not saved between sessions

Added: SVG output for mazes (as optional extension)


Fixed: Installer problem that caused errors in v1.4.1.10


Added: Additional functionality for Bingo beta test

Added: Option to change puzzle numbering with “#” to a different placeholder, in case you prefer to use the hashtag in your titles.

Added: Tools tab page, allowing you to reset puzzles to default settings and quickly open the Preset folders.

Changed: The “Clear Project” functions have been moved to the Tools tab page.

Changed: The created puzzles were not always shown in the Preview panel. This should be fixed now.


Added: Bingo, for beta test.

Fixed: The use of custom images wasn’t working correctly in v1.4.1.8


Fixed: Word Search – Very long word lists (1000’s) could result in very long waiting times. This has been fixed, reducing the runtime without impacting the quality of the resulting puzzles.


The drag/drop area for images in Sudoku 9×9 Creative, Kids Edition and Sudoku Variations now supports dropping multiple images (files) at once. This will start at the drop location, and overwrite current images, if present.

v1.4.1.4 /

Fixed: Sudoku Kids Edition – Very Easy levels (4×4 and 6×6) were not printing correctly

Fixed: Word Star – Collation error when printing additional output (PPT/PDF/JPG) – sometimes solutions were not matched with the correct puzzles.

v1.4.1.2 /

Fixed: Word Star Error when using “Sharp Stars Only” for 8 letter words

Fixed: Word Search – Error messages when no file name is entered for the word list

Fixed: Word Search – Error message when updating the statistics tab if no preview is available

Updated: Word Search – Statistics settings: The Puzzle Statistics are reset when the puzzle settings (word list or other settings) are modified


Fixed: Word Star – Drawing errors when creating puzzles for long words or phrases

Added: “Sharp Stars Only” option, that prevents the lines in the star from overlapping too much.


Fixed: Word Star – Empty lines raised a warning.


Fixed: Word Star – Word length warning also occurred when there was a description added after the word

Fixed: Showing puzzle or solution when the Create / Preview button is clicked. (Some puzzles still showed the solution)


Fixed: Word Star – Canvas transparency wasn’t working correctly

Added: Word Star – Warning about word length if your list contains words with less than 5, exactly 6, or more than 35 letters.


Fixed: Puzzle Maker Pro – Toggle between Puzzle and Solution error when there is no active preview.


Fixed: Word Star – Error that occurred for a few users when trying to create Additional Output.

Fixed: Sudoku Variations – A “2” was appended to the custom text (when using alphabetic characters for the puzzle)

Added: Puzzle Maker Pro: Toggle between Puzzle and Solution in the preview window.


Added: Word Star, various small changes to the beta version.

Added: Additional information when preset and pdf file errors occur


Fixed/Added: Sudoku Variations – Border drawing and number positioning improved.

Added: “Print No Titles” option, for additional output without any puzzle numbers or titles.

Fixed: Word Search – Static statistics information is displayed (in the statistics tab) when changing the values, not when creating puzzles.

Fixed: Word Search – Error that happens in some cases when using Numeric sort order for a list of numbers.

Fixed: Color selection – Error that happens when you click and drag the mouse out of a color panel before releasing.


Updated Color selection dialog – Includes Saturation and Luminosity


Adds Very Easy 4×4 and 6×6 levels to Sudoku Kids Edition


Fixed: Print Difficulty Level didn’t always have the desired effect.

Added: Word Search – “Longest Word Length” added to statistics tab page, to help you determine the number of rows and columns needed to fit every word. (Words that don’t fit, are obviously not used in the puzzle)


Fixed: Sudoku 9×9 Standard / Creative: Very Easy sudokus – In some cases a wrong number (or letter/clipart) was printed in the solutions, resulting in double numbers in a row/column. This is fixed now. (The puzzles were correct, the error only occurred in the solution printing)

Fixed: Word Search – Solutions for words with spaces were not printed correctly

Fixed: Word Search – The word list with words with spaces in it was not printed correctly on the additional output

Added: Word Search – Sort order Dictionary or Numeric (on Style tab page). This adds numerical sorting of the numbers in the word list on the additional output. (Numeric only works if ALL ‘words’ are numeric, otherwise it will sort in dictionary order).


Added: Word Search number puzzles. In addition to letters, you can now create word search with numbers.


Added: New color selector, allowing you to use hex numbers, HSL notation and save/load presets, instead of having to remember the RGB numbers.


Sudoku algorithm improved, better variety of puzzle layouts, especially noticable for Sudoku Kids puzzles.


All versions from v1.3 up to v1.3.3.1 add features and improvements for Word Search

Added: layout features for additional output – option to use a single line for puzzle title, slider to set relative size of title, slider to set margins between columns / rows in grid layouts.


Word Search added


Fixed: Sudoku 9×9 Variations – Sudoku Hyper puzzles could contain double numbers in the gray areas.


Fixed: Wrong tab order for Sudoku Kids Edition

Change: Fine-tuning of sudoku ‘engine’ for Sudoku Varations



  • When creating puzzles, there’s a status field that shows what’s going on (creating puzzles, creating Powerpoint, etc)
  • Tab order for all tabs corrected
  • Powerpoint creation has been optimized, this should not result in visible changes.


Another important update:

Fixed: Sudoku Variations – In some cases numbers were switched in the puzzles, resulting in puzzles that cannot be solved. This error is fixed now for all puzzles. Basically this error happened for a small percentage of puzzles for most of the different sudoku types in Sudoku Variations. (If you create full PDF’s from Puzzle Maker Pro, I’d recommend to re-create an interior with the same format and number of puzzles and upload that.)


Important update!

Fixed: Somehow the randomizer created doubles. The randomization algorithm has been revised. (I don’t know exactly for which version the randomizer started doing it wrong). You can check the rendered puzzles: I number 22 and number 40 are identical, it’s smart to redo that set.

Fixed: Titles for Triathlon B in additional output formats (page images, Powerpoint, PDF).


Fixed: If you run Time Saver for Sudoku Variations (including 12×12 and 16×16), for puzzles with cliparts but you have only 9 cliparts selected, it will give you a warning, and skip the 12×12 and 16×16 puzzles. (and mutatis mutandis for 12 cliparts and 16×16 puzzles).

Changed: The default domino style cliparts are now transparent, to make them work well with the Sudoku X and Sudoku Hyper.


Sudoku Variations: The original Sudoku Variations is now called ‘Sudoku Variations Bundle’. This bundle contains three products: 9×9 Variations, Multidokus (Twins, Triathlon, Marathon, Samurai) and Squares (12×12, 16×16), each of these has a lower price than the bundle.


Preset location for Sudoku Variations adjusted


Sudoku Variations added


Fixed: Sudoku Kids Edition – some lines in the image weren’t aligned properly

Fixed: (All) Output sizes bug for page image output, this was introduced in v.1.1.18 (8.5″ was rendered as 8″)

Added: (All) Warning if you use a custom project name that has been used before


Fixed: Sudoku and Sudoku Pro – bug when creating Easy Sudokus (The solution was identical to the puzzle)


Added: (All) Presets for puzzle setup and time saver setup. These are saved in ‘my documents / bookpublishertools /’ and then some subfolders for each app and puzzle type

Added: (All) Choose your own words for the “Puzzle xxx” and “Solution to puzzle xxx” text. A # indicates where the actual puzzle number will be printed.

Fixed: Sudoku Kids Edition: Error when using text instead of numbers

Fixed: The use of text and cliparts for Sudoku Variations


Sudoku Variations (beta) – Samurai fixed, 12×12 added


Sudoku Variations (beta) update with several puzzle types


Added: PDF output, either using the Full Page Images, or using the Puzzles (with captions and embedded font). 300DPI print quality images.


Fixed: Sudoku and Sudoku Kids: Canvas color setting

Fixed: Time Saver: PDF output filename

Fixed: Time Saver: PDF output requires page images to be created


Fixed: Option to skip puzzle creation was reversed.


All changes work for all puzzle types:

Fixed: Custom names can be empty

Fixed: “Puzzles” in the pathname resulted in empty solution pages

Added: Option to create additional output (image, PPT, PDF) only, for previously generated puzzles (e.g. to change the page format)

Added: PDF output in addition to full page images (not yet for puzzles only)


Changes for Sudoku only:

  • You can now select different colors for the numbers in the solution, to clearly indicate which numbers were part of the puzzle and which numbers had to be puzzled
  • Because of that, the puzzle preview now shows the solution instead of the puzzle
  • Under the hood change: Huge rewrite of the puzzle creation engine, allowing for even more variety (and preparing for other types of sudokus).


Change: Save option for current preview

Fixed: Error when creating Powerpoint files.


Change: The puzzle type is now part of the filename. The new filename structure is: Difficulty-Timestamp-Type-Number-Puzzle or Solution. Example: 1-2019068025647-M-1-P.png (M – Mazes, U – Sudoku, K – Sudoku Kids, X – Sudoku Extreme, W – Word Search)

Change: Start number has been added to the File Settings tab. This sets the number of the first puzzle when you create Full Page Images or Powerpoint. Full Page Images will be saved in a separate folder that contains the page number name (to avoid overwriting pages), Powerpoint files will have the number added to the file name.

Change: When you mix puzzle types, the pages or Powerpoint will now have the correct title (caption) for the puzzle type.

Change: You can now preview unlicensed puzzle types.


Change: Puzzles and solutions will be saved in two separate folders “Project/Puzzles/” and “Project/Solutions/”, both subfolders in the project folder. Pages will be saved in a “Project/Pages/” subfolder, a Powerpoint file will be saved in the “Project/” subfolder

Change: Tutorial pages updated for the newest version, and include Mazes and Mask Grid Editor

Mazes Kids Edition – Fixed: Error when Time Saver runs and only 4 symbol cliparts are selected

Mazes – Fixed: Lines are now drawn over cliparts, to prevent accidental overlap, causing the lines to become ugly

Mazes – Change: Sizing of Start and End symbols, solution path dash style now draws dots instead of dash-dot-dot

Mazes – Change: Solution Path with can be set (as a percentage of the square width)


Fixed: Error when importing settings for non-English languages (where the decimal point is a comma).


Fixed: Text positioning when creating full page images

Fixed: Root foldername sometimes missing “\”

Fixed: Freezing when there are no squares in a new mask

Fixed: Black canvas when transparent canvas is selected

Mazes: Option to have open passages to the outside world for the Start and End squares, dashed solution line instead of solid

Mazes: Grid editor now only accepts jpg and png files


Fixed: Error when starting Powerpoint if Powerpoint is not installed (for example for Mac users using Puzzle Maker Pro in a virtual pc setup)

Added: Sudoku Bundle option

Mazes: Added Longest Path option for solution path. This path will usually not start at the edges of the maze, but will be the longest path in the generated maze.

Mazes Pro: Fixed error when changing masks.


You can now type or paste the root folder name, in addition to using the “Select Folder” button

Mazes: Fixed mask background update issue

Mazes: Random path will now always start at one of the (four) sides, and end at the side opposing it


Sudoku, Sudoku Pro and Sudoku Kids: Added styling options. You can now set the font, font color, background color, line color and line thickness (weight).

Time Saver: Added 2×3 option to the layouts. This is option 6, old saved settings will continue to work

Time Saver – Mazes: Changed the layout of the Time Saver panels, to make it more intuitive.


Fixed missing right and bottom border lines

Fixed preview option for sudoku puzzles


Preview option added

Fixed errors that occured when Time Saver was not activated


Puzzle Maker Mazes and Mazes Pro added


Fixed Page rendering for bitmap pages (Powerpoint did not have this bug)

Added Auto-save setting for most puzzle, page layout and time saver options


Fixed bug in Sudoku Kids Edition – 6×6 Easy Puzzles


Fixed 8.5″ format sizing

Fixed Sudoku Kids Edition 4×4 symbols bug


Fixed license update bug


Fixed tutorial bug


  • Transparent output for pages
  • In-app tutorial added
  • Improved drawing of symbols (images)
  • Improved drawing of text (improved antialiasing)
  • Additional puzzle module: Sudoku Kids Edition


  • Layout for large puzzle formats (3000px) fixe
  • White background for puzzle caption in Powerpoint (only if the puzzle has a white background as well)
  • Drag and drop for image files in Sudoku Pro


  • Revised Output options
  • PNG and Transparent PNG format added
  • Ink color selection added
  • Roman Numbers (in Sudoku) darker font
  • Border lines darker
  • Custom names for difficulty levels


  • Time Saver module added
  • Extreme puzzle difficulty improved


  • Clear Project button added
  • Minor performance improvements


  • Puzzle alignment on page restored


  • Fixed Easy Puzzles bug
  • Enter your own characters for Sudoku Pro
  • Puzzle alignment on page changed


First Release

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