Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Word Squares

$ 67

Create Word Squares puzzles faster, with better layouts, and more variety with one mouse click – Instant Puzzle Books

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Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Word Squares – Product Information


Word Squares is a simple grid-based word puzzle. Each letter can occur only once in each row and in each column. The goal is to find the hidden word (an empty row or column) with logic only. It’s a bit like sudoku, but without the sub-grids.

With the Time Saver for Word Squares, you can set up a table with ‘jobs’. For each row in the table you can choose the grid format and difficulty level, the quantity and the word list. It’s possible to select multiple word files and create multiple rows at once.

The Time Saver will use the regular Word Squares settings, such as font and color, for all the settings that cannot be set in the Time Saver

Optionally you can use the grid size ‘Any’, to change the grid size according to the words. Words will be filtered before the puzzles are genereated.

Ease of Use

It’s easy:

First enable the Time Saver by clicking the “Use Time Saver” box.

Just fill the table with your word list and grid data and click “Create (TS)”.

Optionally set the page layout for the Instant Puzzle Books.

You can also use the Time Saver to create puzzles and a puzzle book from your previously saved presets.

Immediate Access

You can use the software right away. Just download and install the newest version of Puzzle Maker Pro from the member area, and start creating your puzzles and puzzle books.

Free Demo Version

Experience the power Of Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Word Squares with our free demo version. Please note that puzzles And solutions In the demo version will be watermarked. You can test all features and puzzle types.

If you want to try out the Time Saver Add-On, please contact support.

Note: Sales for Puzzle Maker Pro products are final. We strongly suggest to test compatibility with your Windows PC configuration before purchase.


Word Squares Tutorial

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Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Word Squares – Feature Summary


This is an add-on for Word Squares – it won’t work on its own

Grid Sizes

Create word puzzles with multiple grid sizes 3×3 to 9×9

Difficulty Levels

Use up to 7 difficulty levels for each puzzle

Flexible Grid

Automatically adjust the grid for each word

Multiple Word File

Add multiple word files with a single click

Randomize Rows

Randomize the order in which rows are processed

Randomize Words

Randomize the order in which words from each file are processed

Use Word Squares Options

‘Inherit’ all Word Squares options not included in the Time Saver

Page Layouts

Grid-based page layout settings, up to 10×10 puzzles per page

Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Word Squares – Bundle Options

Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Squares

Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Word Squares

Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Squares Bundle 1

Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Squares Bundle 2

Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Squares Bundle 3

171 Word Squares Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Squares168 Time Saver for Word Squares Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Squares170 Word Squares Bundle 1 Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Squares169 Word Squares Bundle 2 Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Squares172 Word Squares Bundle 3 Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Squares
Create Word Squares puzzles with 3×3 to 9×9 gridsN/A
Create Word Squares puzzles with multiple difficulty levelsN/A
Add a clue (text) for each puzzleN/A
Choose the Hidden Word direction and positionN/A
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Includes ALL Latin Squares modules
Includes ALL Wordoku modules
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)



($134) $97

($315) $247

($345) $277

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Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Squares

171 Word Squares Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Squares
Create Word Squares puzzles with 3×3 to 9×9 grids
Create Word Squares puzzles with multiple difficulty levels
Add a clue (text) for each puzzle
Choose the Hidden Word direction and position
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Includes ALL Latin Squares modules
Includes ALL Wordoku modules
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Word Squares

168 Time Saver for Word Squares Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Squares
Create Word Squares puzzles with 3×3 to 9×9 gridsN/A
Create Word Squares puzzles with multiple difficulty levelsN/A
Add a clue (text) for each puzzleN/A
Choose the Hidden Word direction and positionN/A
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Includes ALL Latin Squares modules
Includes ALL Wordoku modules
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Squares Bundle 1

170 Word Squares Bundle 1 Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Squares
Create Word Squares puzzles with 3×3 to 9×9 grids
Create Word Squares puzzles with multiple difficulty levels
Add a clue (text) for each puzzle
Choose the Hidden Word direction and position
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Includes ALL Latin Squares modules
Includes ALL Wordoku modules
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)

($134) $97

Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Squares Bundle 2

169 Word Squares Bundle 2 Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Squares
Create Word Squares puzzles with 3×3 to 9×9 grids
Create Word Squares puzzles with multiple difficulty levels
Add a clue (text) for each puzzle
Choose the Hidden Word direction and position
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Includes ALL Latin Squares modules
Includes ALL Wordoku modules
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)

($315) $247

Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Squares Bundle 3

172 Word Squares Bundle 3 Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Squares
Create Word Squares puzzles with 3×3 to 9×9 grids
Create Word Squares puzzles with multiple difficulty levels
Add a clue (text) for each puzzle
Choose the Hidden Word direction and position
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Word Squares Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Includes ALL Latin Squares modules
Includes ALL Wordoku modules
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)

($345) $277

Show Product

Product DetailsPuzzle Maker ProInstant Puzzle BooksPurchase InformationFree / Demo Products
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Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Word Squares
$ 67