Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric Bundle 2


Original price was: $ 208.Current price is: $ 167.

Maze maker – 3D Isometric Mazes, Height Map Editor and Paths Add-On – Instant Puzzle Books – Time Saver – Personal / POD License

Create Puzzles Immediately - on Your Own Computer

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  • Windows Exclusive (Use Virtual Windows on Mac)
Product DetailsPuzzle Maker ProInstant Puzzle BooksPurchase InformationFree / Demo Products

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric Bundle 2 – Product Information


With Mazes 3D Isometric you can create unique and fun 3D mazes and maze puzzle books.

There are several built-in maps, including a fully randomized map. For each map the size can be adjusted to taste.

You can change the colors, and even link the top and front side colors (shading) to emphasize the 3D effect of the maze.

In addition to the visual options, you can control the algorithm that’s used to generate the maze (straight or chaotic and meandering), and the start and end points where you want.

With the included Height Map Editor, you can create your own 3D landscape, using a built-in map, a random map or a flat isometric map to start with.

Raise or lower individual cells, level entire rows or columns, while the built-in AI will make sure it’s still a good 3D map for a maze.

You can save and load presets

With the Paths Add-On you can add smaller paths, meandering over the cube surfaces, to create even more complex and fun 3D mazes.

You can color the path and even set different colors (shades) for the different surfaces, to emphasize the 3D effect. to re-use the maps or make copies that can be edited.

With the Time Saver you can generate multiple types of 3D mazes at once and create books in grid layouts up to 10×10

Ease of Use

It’s easy: Just click “Next Preview” or click “Create” and you’ll see a fresh maze using the default settings.

To create your own unique maze style, you can change the map and set the colors you want to use for the surfaces, the lines and the solution path.

You can also change the way the maze is generated, and even set where you want the start and end points to appear.

Or use the Height Map Editor to create your own special designs.Everything you do to edit the height map has an immediate visual result. If you don’t like the result, there’s always the Undo button.

To use the Paths Add-On, just select the Paths tab when you’re setting up your 3D maze, and set the “Path Width” slider to a number smaller than 100. The number is the percentage of the cell/cube width.

Immediate Access

You can use the software right away. Just download and install the newest version of Puzzle Maker Pro from the member area, and start creating your puzzles and puzzle books.

Free Demo Version

Experience the power Of the Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric Bundle 2 with our free demo version. Please note that puzzles And solutions In the demo version will be watermarked. You can test all features and puzzle types.

If you want to try out the Time Saver Add-On, please contact support.

Note: Sales for Puzzle Maker Pro products are final. We strongly suggest to test compatibility with your Windows PC configuration before purchase.


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Products in This Bundle

Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 3D Isometric

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric
Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 3D Isometric - Height Map Editor

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric – Height Map Editor
Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Mazes 3D Isometric

Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Mazes 3D Isometric
Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 3D Isometric - Paths Add-On

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric – Paths Add-On

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric Bundle 2 – Video Overview

Mazes 3D Isometric overview

Using the Height Map Editor

Puzzle Maker Pro Features and Functions

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric Bundle 2 – Feature Summary

3D effect

Create mazes with isometric 3D effect

Built-In Maps

Use one of the built-in maps to create your maze

Random Map

Generate a random 3D map

Maze Generator Control

Gradually control the maze generation algorithm – straight or meandering paths

More Path Control

Use default, random, longest path or manual Start and End points

Color Settings

Customize the canvas colors, surface shading and the solution line style and color

Add-On: Height Map Editor

(included) Create your own 3D Height Map

Add-On: Time Saver

(included) Create your puzzles and puzzle books faster and better with the Time Saver Add-On.

Add-On: Path Options

(included) Optionally create smaller paths on the cube surfaces, with their own colors

Flat Map Included

In addition to the 3D maps, you can also use a flat isometric map for your maze

Create Your Own 3D Map

Create your own 3D map for your 3D isometric mazes

Raise / Lower blocks

You can raise or lower the blocks (and the blocks on top of it)

Level Rows / Columns

You can set an entire row or column to the exact height of the selected cell (cube)

Two steps to change

To prevent errors, there are two steps for each change: specify the change, and “Do It” to apply the change

One-Click Mode

When you’re familiar with the Height Map Editor, there’s a “One-Click Mode” to let you edit faster


When you make mistakes, or get unexpected results, there’s an Undo option to restore your map

Add paths to the surfaces

Add paths to the cube surfaces instead of using the full width

Path Coloring

You can set the colors for the path, for each surface (top, front left, front right) separately

Path Shading

You can link the colors for the path, to quickly create a 3D shading effect

Surface Coloring

In addition to the path colors, you can also set the surface colors (displayed under/behind the path)


Advanced Styling options

Font Setup

Use any Truetype font on your computer, choose color, size and positioning

Line Style

Customize line width and color

Customize Font

You can change the font to any TrueType font on your computer

Customize Colors

You can change the font, line and background colors

Preview Puzzles and Solutions

You can preview the puzzles and solutions with your custom styling settings

Create Puzzles on Your Computer

Puzzles and Solutions will be stored on your computer. No need for downloads

Solutions included

Solutions for the puzzles are included


You can save and load your own presets for each puzzle, to preserve styling consistency

Create Puzzles

Create many puzzles at once, with a single mouse-click

Puzzle Output Size

Set your own puzzle size, up to 3000 pixels (10” at 300 DPI)

Puzzle Output Format

Save your puzzles in JPG, PNG or Transparent PNG format (optionally in 4bit format for smaller size)

Custom Output Location

Set up your own output folder structure, including date and custom name placeholders

Instant Puzzle Books

Use the Puzzle Maker Pro options to generate Instant Puzzle Books in Powerpoint or PDF format

Puzzle Numbering

Use custom puzzle numbering, to create parts of puzzle books that can be appended later

Trim Size

Set up your own trim size, from 1×1 to 15×15 inch


Set your own page margins

Mirrored Margins

Optionally use mirrored margins, for equal inner and outer margins on left and right pages

Title Setup

Various options to set up titles for your puzzles in your Instant Puzzle Books

Default Page Layout

By default a 1×1 layout grid is used.

Advanced Page Layout

With the Time Saver Add-On (included) you can set up your own grid layout, up to 10×10 puzzles


With the Time Saver Add-On (included) you can collate puzzles and solutions and use different layouts for each

Page Layout Customization

With the Time Saver Add-On (included) you can customize the distance between puzzle rows and columns

Time Saver

The Time Saver Add-On (included) will let you create sets of puzzles faster, optionally using your own puzzle presets

Personal License

You can create and print puzzles for your own use, share with your kids and family, in your classroom or with your team

POD License

You can create and print puzzles and puzzle books and sell on Print on Demand platforms such as KDP, or sell as printables

Optimized for Windows (10/11)

The software can be used on MS Windows 7 or higher. It’s only available on Mac when you use Virtualbox, Parallels or another virtual Windows platform

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric Bundle 2 – Purchase Options

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric – Height Map Editor

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric – Paths Add-On

Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Mazes 3D Isometric

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric Bundle 1

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric Bundle 2

Create 3D Isometric Mazes with preset patternsN/AN/AN/A
Create 3D Isometric Mazes completely randomN/AN/AN/A
Use shading for improved 3D effectN/AN/AN/A
Edit your own 3D landscape / Height Map
Create paths on the 3D surfacesN/A
Use different colors for the paths and the surfacesN/A
Create Puzzle Books with multiple puzzlesN/AN/A
Create Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per pageN/AN/A
Create Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per pageN/AN/A
Create Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutionsN/AN/A
Can be used independently?
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)





($151) $127

($208) $167

Show ProductShow ProductShow ProductShow ProductShow ProductShow Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric

Create 3D Isometric Mazes with preset patterns
Create 3D Isometric Mazes completely random
Use shading for improved 3D effect
Edit your own 3D landscape / Height Map
Create paths on the 3D surfaces
Use different colors for the paths and the surfaces
Create Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric – Height Map Editor

Create 3D Isometric Mazes with preset patternsN/A
Create 3D Isometric Mazes completely randomN/A
Use shading for improved 3D effectN/A
Edit your own 3D landscape / Height Map
Create paths on the 3D surfacesN/A
Use different colors for the paths and the surfacesN/A
Create Puzzle Books with multiple puzzlesN/A
Create Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per pageN/A
Create Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per pageN/A
Create Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutionsN/A
Can be used independently?
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric – Paths Add-On

Create 3D Isometric Mazes with preset patternsN/A
Create 3D Isometric Mazes completely randomN/A
Use shading for improved 3D effectN/A
Edit your own 3D landscape / Height Map
Create paths on the 3D surfaces
Use different colors for the paths and the surfaces
Create Puzzle Books with multiple puzzlesN/A
Create Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per pageN/A
Create Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per pageN/A
Create Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutionsN/A
Can be used independently?
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Mazes 3D Isometric

Create 3D Isometric Mazes with preset patternsN/A
Create 3D Isometric Mazes completely randomN/A
Use shading for improved 3D effectN/A
Edit your own 3D landscape / Height Map
Create paths on the 3D surfaces
Use different colors for the paths and the surfaces
Create Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric Bundle 1

Create 3D Isometric Mazes with preset patterns
Create 3D Isometric Mazes completely random
Use shading for improved 3D effect
Edit your own 3D landscape / Height Map
Create paths on the 3D surfaces
Use different colors for the paths and the surfaces
Create Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)

($151) $127

Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric Bundle 2

Create 3D Isometric Mazes with preset patterns
Create 3D Isometric Mazes completely random
Use shading for improved 3D effect
Edit your own 3D landscape / Height Map
Create paths on the 3D surfaces
Use different colors for the paths and the surfaces
Create Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)

($208) $167

Show Product

Product DetailsPuzzle Maker ProInstant Puzzle BooksPurchase InformationFree / Demo Products
Shopping Cart
Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric Bundle 2
Original price was: $ 208.Current price is: $ 167.