Puzzle Maker Pro – Demo Version


Original price was: $ 17.Current price is: $ 0.

Discover the potential of Puzzle Maker Pro with our free demo version! Experiment with a vast array of puzzles, including Sudoku, 2D and 3D Mazes, Word Search, Bingo, and more. Customize each puzzle to your liking and even generate your own puzzle books.

Create Puzzles Immediately - on Your Own Computer

  • Secure Payment with FastSpring
  • Many Tutorials and Videos Available
  • Immediate Download from the Member Area
  • Customer Support Facebook Group
  • Windows Exclusive (Use Virtual Windows on Mac)
Product DetailsPuzzle Maker ProInstant Puzzle BooksPurchase InformationFree / Demo Products

Puzzle Maker Pro – Demo Version – Product Information


Discover the power of Puzzle Maker Pro with our free demo version! Experience the full range of puzzle types and features, though keep in mind that generated puzzles and solutions will be watermarked in this demo.

Explore the abundant puzzle varieties, including a wide range of Sudoku variations, multiple 2D and 3D Isometric Mazes, Word Search, Zig Zag Word Search, Word Star, Latin Squares, Word Squares, Wordoku, Bingo, Connect the Dots, Cross Sum math puzzles, and Jig Saw cut and draw puzzles. Enjoy full access to options, styling, and customization features to truly make your puzzles unique.

Dive into an extensive collection of Sudoku styles, from popular overlapping sudokus like Triathlon, Marathon, and Samurai to lesser-known variations such as Sensei, Gattai, and Windmill.

Experiment with diverse 2D Mazes, including regular (square) mazes, tile mazes with customizable tiles, triangles, circles, hexagons, and even patchwork and modern art (Mondrian) inspired designs.

Get a feel for generating your own puzzle books and envision the final product before committing to the full software.

Please note that Time Saver features and SVG Import for Connect the Dots are not included in the demo version. To test these functionalities, simply reach out to our helpdesk for assistance.

Ease of Use

After registration, you can download Puzzle Maker Pro from the member area.

Unzip, install and enter the license information (emailed to you).

Use the dropdown “Puzzle Type” menu to select any of the puzzle modules.

Then play with the settings and click “Next Preview” to see the results.

Immediate Access

You can use the software right away. Just download and install the newest version of Puzzle Maker Pro from the member area, and start creating your puzzles and puzzle books.

Free Demo Version

Experience the power Of Puzzle Maker Pro – Demo Version with our free demo version. Please note that puzzles And solutions In the demo version will be watermarked. You can test all features and puzzle types.

If you want to try out the Time Saver Add-On, please contact support.

Note: Sales for Puzzle Maker Pro products are final. We strongly suggest to test compatibility with your Windows PC configuration before purchase.


Tutorials for this product:

Puzzle Maker Pro – Demo Version – Video Overview

Sudoku 9×9 Creative Overview

Puzzle Maker Pro Features and Functions

Puzzle Maker Pro – Demo Version – Feature Summary

Customize Font

You can change the font to any TrueType font on your computer

Customize Colors

You can change the font, line and background colors

Preview Puzzle

You can preview the puzzle with your custom styling settings

Create Puzzles on Your Computer

Puzzles and Solutions will be stored on your computer. No need for downloads


You can save and load your own presets for each puzzle, to preserve styling consistency

Puzzle Output Size

Set your own puzzle size, up to 3000 pixels (10” at 300 DPI)

Puzzle Output Format

Save your puzzles in JPG, PNG or Transparent PNG format (optionally in 4bit format for smaller size)

Custom Output Location

Set up your own output folder structure, including date and custom name placeholders

Instant Puzzle Books

Use the Puzzle Maker Pro options to generate Instant Puzzle Books in Powerpoint or PDF format

Puzzle Numbering

Use custom puzzle numbering, to create parts of puzzle books that can be appended later

Trim Size

Set up your own trim size, from 1×1 to 15×15 inch


Set your own page margins

Mirrored Margins

Optionally use mirrored margins, for equal inner and outer margins on left and right pages

Title Setup

Various options to set up titles for your puzzles in your Instant Puzzle Books

Default Page Layout

By default a 1×1 layout grid is used.

Advanced Page Layout

With the Time Saver Add-On (additional purchase) you can set up your own grid layout, up to 10×10 puzzles

Page Layout Customization

With the Time Saver Add-On (additional purchase) you can customize the distance between puzzle rows and columns

Time Saver

The Time Saver Add-On (additional purchase) will let you create sets of puzzles faster, optionally using your own puzzle presets

Commercial Use

You can use, sell or give away the puzzles, pages and puzzle books you create. You are responsible for the rights for images you add to the puzzles or puzzle books

Optimized for Windows (10/11)

The software can be used on MS Windows 7 or higher. It’s only available on Mac when you use Virtualbox, Parallels or another virtual Windows platform

Product DetailsPuzzle Maker ProInstant Puzzle BooksPurchase InformationFree / Demo Products
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Puzzle Maker Pro – Demo Version
Original price was: $ 17.Current price is: $ 0.