1. Overview
Image Word Search lets you create puzzles using images instead of word lists. This unique feature opens up creative possibilities for educators, marketers, and publishers, letting you design puzzles tailored to any theme or audience.
2. Required Modules
To follow this tutorial, you need the Image Word Search module installed. Optional add-ons like the Advanced Layouts Add-On can enhance your workflow for multi-puzzle pages.
3. Preparation
Before you begin:
- Gather the images you want to use in your puzzles. Ensure they are in PNG or JPG format and have descriptive filenames (e.g., “cat.png” for an image of a cat). These filenames will become clues for solvers.
- Decide on your puzzle’s layout, grid size, and word placement options.
4. Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: Upload Images
- Open the Image Word Search module in Puzzle Maker Pro.
- Click the Add Files button or drag the images from File Explorer onto the images panel.

To preview the Image list for the generated puzzle, select Solution and Special. This will replace the Solution preview with the Image list preview.

Step 2: Configure Grid and Layout
- Navigate to the Grid tab to set the puzzle’s size and layout.
- Set the grid size by specifying the number of rows and columns (e.g., 12×12).
- Adjust layout proportions between the puzzle grid and the image list (e.g., 70/30).
- If the Mask Add-On is available, apply a custom shape using the Set Mask button.

Step 3: Configure Word Placement Options
- Go to the Options tab.
- Customize the following settings:
- Diagonals: Enable or limit diagonal word placement.
- Backwards: Allow words to appear backward in the puzzle.
- Allow Overlapping Words: Let words share letters within the grid.
- Kid’s Diagonal: Restrict diagonals to only go from top-left to bottom-right.
- Hide Vowels: Remove vowels from the puzzle for added difficulty.
- Chaotic Letters: Randomly rotate letters in the grid.

Step 4: Customize Solution Style
- Navigate to the Solution tab.
- Configure the following settings:
- Word Fill Color: Select a background color for the letters in the solution.
- Use Lines: Highlight words with lines circling the letters.
- Bold Print: Print the solution letters in bold for better visibility.
- Straight Lines: Draw straight lines through the solution words, and customize the Color and Width of the lines.
- Circle Diameter: Adjust the circle size to better match the grid layout.

Step 5: Customize Puzzle Style
Refer to the following tutorials for detailed instructions on customizing fonts and colors:
5. Tips and Best Practices
- Use high-quality images for clear and professional-looking puzzles.
- Ensure filenames are descriptive to make word identification intuitive for solvers.
- Test your puzzle by printing a sample to check readability and layout. Ensure the font is legible and colors have enough contrast when printed.
6. Outcome
By following this tutorial, you will:
- Create a fully customized Image Word Search puzzle using your own images.
- Export your puzzle in a professional format ready for publication or sharing.
7. Further Reading
For more guidance, check out: