Demo Products

Puzzle Maker Pro (MS Windows software)

For Puzzle Maker Pro there’s a free demo version available.

Please try the demo before purchasing any of the modules, to make sure it will work on your computer. The demo version has almost full functionality, but it will create watermarked puzzles. (The demo version does not include the Time Saver modules and the SVG Edition for Connect the Dots).

You can get access on this page: Puzzle Maker Pro – Demo

Easy Journals (Plugin for Powerpoint / MS Windows)

The free plugin Easy Journals can be found here.

With this plugin you can create journals (low content books) with dynamic content: Using a list of images and/or a list of words, you can generate pages with different content on each page.

Additionally, we suggest that you install and test this plugin before purchasing any of the other plugins. That way you won’t run into technical issues later.

Other Products

For other Products, such as POD Graphics Maker, POD Pattern Maker and Puzzle Maker Nonogram, we can set up a temporary demo license to let you test the software and all the features.

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